
Blögging Lessons: Dirty Dark Horses

No doubt you are all privy to the various does and don'ts of blögging. As for myself, I'm still learning. It also gives me an insight into my silent readership, both known and unknown.

Long ago I showed Uborka to a friend and colleague, whom we shall call Flight Lieutenant Moth. It did not occur to me that he had bookmarked the site and was among your regular readers. My mistake, then, was to tell him that I was off work yesterday with an unidentified gut malady, then post at length on drink-induced vomiting. Still, he'll hardly have been surprised.

He was not without some knowledge of my ascent to the clergy, but I had yet to tell him about my fruitful exchanges with the Archbishop - so he discovered that here too.

Respected (if hairy) Mr. Moth, sir: Since I may presume you're reading this too, let me welcome you to my week as guest host. At the very least I expect you to say hello in the comments box below.

Sadly, F. L. Moth does not have a site for me to link to - at least, not as far as I know. The dirty dark horse...

Doctor Pockless · Thursday March 18, 2004 15:41


Yes, I admit it. I'm a secret worshipper of uborka. I prowl around the bloghood searching for snippets of sermon that I can't wrench from the Revrnd that sits 5 feet away in the other pew.

'Allelujah for the Archbish even if it does mean that the Revrnd will be moving to another parish.


Mothy · March 18, 2004 15:52

Oh lor', as our delightful great aunts say. I didn't know that F.L. Moth was amongst our readers, either. But at least I don't work for him.

Karen · March 18, 2004 19:02

I wouldn't exactly say I work for him, although he'll be flattered that you think so...

Doctor Pockless (Revisited) · March 18, 2004 19:06

I didn't actually say that you did work for him; I only said that I didn't. If you must be pedantic.

Karen · March 18, 2004 19:11

OOOooooooohhhhhhhhhhh. 'Ark at 'er!

Doctor Pockless (Revisited) · March 18, 2004 20:13
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